

  • 基本信息





prof. dr. baofeng huang

黄宝锋, , 山东菏泽人, 博士, 教授。获上海市海外高层次人才引进计划(qr)项目。主要从事结构测试模拟与风险评估、建筑结构抗震、建筑非结构件及体系抗震性能试验与评估、结构抗震试验和模拟方法、基于性能的地震工程、能效建筑多物理分析和混合模拟等方面的研究。美国土木工程学会会员asce)、美国地震工程研究所成员eeri)、国际非结构构件研究委员会委员sponse主持或参与各类科研项目15, 发表高水平论文40余篇,30多本国际期刊: eesd, asce jse, cbm, energy, bee, jbe, e&b等)评阅人。

  • 主要研究方向

非结构构件及体系抗震性能评估及试验研究;复杂结构振动测量;结构测试模拟与风险评估;土木工程性态感知与智能防灾;多态多维度作用信息融合与先进试验技术;建筑结构抗震设计与评估方法; 结构多物理模拟和试验方法; 新型能效建筑围护体系; 基于性能的地震工程等。

  • 受教育经历

 2011/10 –2014/07, 美国加利福尼亚州立大学伯克利分校, 土木与环境工程系, 联合培养博士;

 2009/04 –2014/07, 同济大学, 结构工程与防灾研究所, 博士;

 2003/10 –2006/04, 同济大学, 结构工程与防灾研究所, 硕士;

 1999/9 –2003/04, 济南大学, 建筑工程系, 学士.

  • 研究工作经历

2023.1 – 至今,上海师范大学 建筑工程学院, 教授;

2021.5 – 2022.12,上海师范大学 建筑工程学院, 副教授;

2018.11 – 2020.5, 访问教授, 美国加利福尼亚州立大学伯克利分校,太平洋地震工程研究中心;

2016/11 – 2021.5, 南京工业大学 土木工程学院, 副教授;

2014/12 – 2016/12, 博士后研究员,美国加利福尼亚州立大学伯克利分校,太平洋地震工程研究中心;

2012/12 – 2014/12, 副研究员,新加坡南洋理工大学,土木与环境工程系, berkeley education alliance for research in singapore limited (bears);

2006/4 - 2009/04, 福州大学, 土木工程学院, 助教.

  • 学术兼职

  1. associate editor, advances in civil engineering, special issue on advances in the seismic performance evaluation of non-structural building contents;

  2. mdpi materials journal, editorial board member;

  3. 国际非结构构件抗震委员会(sponse), 委员, 机构代表;

  4. 美国土木工程学会(asce),会员;

  5. 美国地震工程研究所(eeri), 会员;

  6. 美国应用技术委员会(icc),委员;

  7. 美国混凝土协会(aci), 会员;

  8. 国际混凝土学会(fib), 会员;

  9. 美国消防协会(nfpa), 会员.

  • 国际期刊审稿人

  1. the structural design of tall and special buildings

  2. canadian journal of civil engineering

  3. bulletin of earthquake engineering

  4. wind energy

  5. earthquake engineering and engineering vibration

  6. earthquake engineering and structural dynamics

  7. earthquake spectra

  8. asce journal of structural engineering

  9. asce journal of performance of constructed facilities

  10. engineering structures

  11. soil dynamics and earthquake engineering

  12. solar energy

  13. journal of earthquake engineering

  14. advances in concrete construction, an international journal

  15. structures, fib journal

  16. mdpi materials

  17. mdpi applied sciences

  18. pice journal civil engineering

  19. journal of advances in civil engineering

  20. journal of pice civil engineering

  21. mdpi geohazards

  22. sustainability

  23. journal of composite science

  24. energies

  25. remote sensing

  26. scientific reports

  27. processes

  28. science and technology of nuclear installations

  29. journal of building engineering

  30. computers and concrete

  31. energy and buildings

  32. construction and building materials

  33. earthquakes and structures

  • 承担或参与科研项目

  1. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目:干挂石材幕墙安全服役性能智慧辨识与寿期预测研究(23zr1446500), 20,在研, 2023.4-2026.3.

  2. 科技部国家重点研发计划课题:立式工业建筑结构体系关键基础理论研究(2018yfc0705701, 子课题2:设备结构共同作用, 95, 结题, 2018.6-2021.7;

  3. 科技部国际合作重大项目:多重灾害下密集高层建筑群绿色能源开发及安全九游会网址多少的解决方案2016yfe0105600, 260, 结题, 2016.12-2019.9, 卢文胜(1, 主要成员, 负责子课题:多功能混凝土围护体系研发和多物理混合模拟试验;

  4. 江苏省高等教育教学改革重点项目:以现代科技与传统文化的结合提高大学生创新能力2017jsjg024, 2018.6-2019.12, 结题,黄宝锋(2, 10;

  5. 江苏省大学生创新重点项目: 201810291081z, 能效半透明混凝土板开发, 2018.04-2019.04, 1, 结题, 主持;

  6. 南京工业大学校级教改课题重点项目: 以现代科技与传统文化的结合提高大学生创新能力, 南京工业大学, 2018.01 - 2019.12.

  7. 南京工业大学校级教改课题一般项目:结构力学课程国际化教学研究,南京工业大学, 2018.01 - 2019.12.

  8. 国家自然基金项目: 51608381, 高层建筑干挂石材幕墙地震破坏机理与性能化评估方法, 2017.01-2019.12, 20, 在研, 黄宝锋(主持);

  9. 地震工程国际联合实验室研究项目:real time hybrid simulation testing of a curtain wall system with online model updating (ilee-ijrp-p2-p3-2017), 10万美金, 在研, 2016.12-2019.12, khalid mosalam (1), 黄宝锋(3);

  10. 国家自然基金项目:51578405, 网格式玻璃表皮结构面板运维阶段疲劳损伤演化机理研究, 2016.01-2019.12, 62, 在研, 马锦明(1, 黄宝锋(3;

  11. 国家自然基金项目:51578411, 橡胶支座隔震结构模型动力相似机理及设计方法, 2015.01-2018.12, 83, 已结题, 卢文胜(1, 黄宝锋(3;

  12. 美国-新加坡重大合作项目: 能效建筑在热带地区的应用, 2012-2017, 700万美金, 主要负责透明混凝土幕墙的研发和多物理性能模拟和试验研究, 已结题, 黄宝锋(3;

  13. 重大工程相关项目: 上海中心外层幕墙抗震性能研究, 2010-2012, 80, 主要参与人员, 已结题, 黄宝锋(2;

  14. 重大工程相关项目: 上海中心内层幕墙抗震性能研究, 2010-2012, 80, 主要参与人员, 已结题, 黄宝锋(2;

  15. 上海市自然科学基金项目: 幕墙结构地震破坏机理与试验再现, 基金编号:08zr1420200, 2008-2010, 10, 已结题, 黄宝锋(3.

  • 代表性论著: 74 , sci论文:32

jcr-q1: 19

  1. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), xiangfei zhang, xiaofeng ma. dynamic compressive impact tests of building sandstone with a large split hopkinson pressure bar. journal of building engineering, 67, 2023, 106023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106023. jcr-q1, if = 7.144.

  2. xiqiang guan, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), zhan li, xiaofeng ma and benliang liang. characterizing tensile strength of building sandstone via uniaxial tensile, compressive, and flexural bending tests. materials 2023, 16, 3440. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16093440. jcr-q1, if = 3.748.

  3. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wei hu, kai xu, xiqiang guan, wensheng lu. experimental and numerical investigation on glass panel subjected to pendulum impact. international journal of impact engineering 173 (2023) 104457. jcr -1, if = 4.592.

  4. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), yeqing wang, wensheng lu, and meng cheng. fabrication and energy efficiency of translucent concrete panel for building envelope. energy, 2022, 248, 123635. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.energy.2022.123635. jcr -1, if = 8.857.

  5. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), yunjie xiao, and wensheng lu. experimental and analytical investigation on dowel-pinned connections with varying pin diameters for granite cladding.journal of building engineering, 2021, 46: 103680. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103680. jcr -1, if = 5.318.

  6. bhandari, m.;wang, j.; jang, d.; nam, i.; huang, b (黄宝锋). a comparative study on the electrical and piezoresistive sensing characteristics of gfrp and cfrp composites with hybridized incorporation of carbon nanotubes, graphenes, carbon nanofibers, and graphite nanoplatelets. sensors, 2021, 21, 7291. jcr -1, if = 3.576.

  7. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), selim günay, and wensheng lu. seismic assessment of freestanding ceramic vase with shaking table testing and performance-based earthquake engineering. journal of earthquake engineering, 2022, 26:15, 7956-7978. jcr -1, if = 2.754. doi: 10.1080/13632469.2021.1979132

  8. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shuai fu, and wensheng lu. uniaxial compressive behavior of granite at high strain rates. rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2021, 238, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-021-02535-7. jcr -1, if = 6.730.

  9. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), qihao pan, wensheng lu, and fan shen. free-rocking tests of a freestanding object with variation of center of gravity. earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, 2021, 50(11): 3015-3040. jcr -1, if = 3.414.

  10. baofeng huang (黄宝锋). performance-based earthquake engineering methodology for seismic analysis of nuclear cable tray system. nuclear engineering and technology. 2021, 53(7): 2396-2406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2021.01.016. jcr -1, if = 2.341.

  11. baofeng huang (黄宝锋) and wensheng lu. experimental investigation of the uniaxial compressive behavior of thin building granite. construction and building materials, 2021, 267, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120967. jcr-1, if = 4.419.

  12. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and yan xiao.compressive impact tests of lightweight concrete with 155-mm-diameter spilt hopkinson pressure bar. cement and concrete composites, 2020, 114:103816 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103816. jcr-1, if = 6.257.

  13. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shuai fu, and wensheng lu. experimental investigation of the breaking load of a dowel-pinned connection in granite cladding. engineering structures, 215 (2020) 110642, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110642. jcr-1, if = 3.345.

  14. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), lu w, and günay s. shaking table tests of granite cladding with dowel pin connection. bulletin of earthquake engineering, 2020, 18, 1081-1105.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-019-00741-x. jcr -1, if = 2.849.

  15. xianglei liu, xiaohua tong, wensheng lu, shijie liu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), pingbo tang, tongxin guo. high-speed videogrammetric measurement of the deformation of shaking table multi-layer structures. measurement, 154 (2020):107486. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107486. 2020. jcr-1, if = 3.927.

  16. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu, shiming chen, and khalid m. mosalam. shaking table testing of the granite cladding with undercut bolt anchorage. engineering structures, 2018(171): 488-499.jcr-1, if = 3.345.

  17. wensheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shiming chen, and khalid m. mosalam. shaking table test method of building curtain walls using floor capacity demand spectrum. bulletin of earthquake engineering, 2017, 15(8): 3185-3205. jcr -1, if = 2.849.

  18. wensheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), khalid m. mosalam, and shiming chen. experimental evaluation of glass curtain walls in a tall building. earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, 2016, 45(1): 1185-1205. jcr-1, if = 3.419.

  19. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shiming chen, and wensheng lu. discussion of simulation of floor response spectra in shake table experiments. earthquake engineering & structural dynamics, 2012, 41(9): 1341-1343. jcr-1, if = 3.419.

jcr-q2: 5

  1.  baofeng huang (黄宝锋), yixian xu, and guojun zhang. experimental investigation on uniaxial compressive strength of thin building sandstone. buildings, 2022, 12, 1945. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12111945. jcr -2, if = 3.324.

  2.  xiaohua tong, kuifeng luan, xianglei liu, shijie liu, peng chen, yanmin jin, wensheng lu, and baofeng huang (黄宝锋). tri-camera high-speed videogrammetry for three-dimensional measurement of laminated rubber bearings based on the large-scale shaking table. remote sensing, 2018, 10(12): doi:10.3390/rs10121902. jcr-2, if = 4.509.

  3. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu, shiming chen, and khalid m. mosalam. drift demand of the outer-skin curtain wall system of shanghai tower. the structural design of tall and special buildings, 2017, 26(17): doi: 10.1002/tal.1388. jcr-2, if = 2.204.

  4. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shiming chen, wensheng lu, and khalid m. mosalam. seismic demand and experimental evaluation of the nonstructural building curtain wall: a review. soil dynamics and earthquake engineering. 2017, 100: 16-33.jcr-2, if = 2.578.

  5. wensheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shiming chen, and khalid m. mosalam. acceleration demand of the outer-skin curtain wall system of the shanghai tower. the structural design of tall and special buildings, 2017, 26(5): doi: 10.1002/tal.1341. jcr-2, if = 2,204.

jcr-q3&4: 8

  1. baofeng huang(黄宝锋), and wensheng lu. evaluation of the floor acceleration amplification demand of instrumented buildings. journal of advances in civil engineering, 2021. , article id 7612101. jcr-3, if = 1.924.

  2. raza a., bhandari m., kim h.k., son h.m., huang b.f.(黄宝锋), i.w. nam. a study on mechanical characteristics of nano-engineered cement composites fabricated with nano-silica and carbon nanotube. applied sciences, 2021, 11(1): 152. jcr-3, if = 2.474.

  3. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and wensheng lu. experimental investigation of the multi-physical properties of energy efficient translucent concrete panel for building envelope. applied sciences, 2020, 10(19): 6863. jcr-3, if = 2.474.

  4. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and wengsheng lu. load bearing capacity test of granite cladding with dowel pin anchorage. pice structures and buildings, 2020, 173(7): 501-511. jcr-4, if = 0.857.

  5. baofeng huang (黄宝锋). light transmission performance of translucent concrete building envelope. cogent engineering, 2020, 7(1): 1756145.best paper award, 2021.

  6. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu, shiming chen, and khalid m. mosalam. shaking table tests of the cable tray system in nuclear power plants. asce journal of performance of constructed facilities. 2017, 31(4): 04017018-1-10. jcr-3, if = 1.86.

  7. huang baofeng (黄宝锋), lu wensheng, and chen shiming. discussion of ‘development of finite-element modeling approach for lateral load analysis of dry-glazed curtain walls’. journal of architectural engineering, 2012, 18(1): 64-65.

  8. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), shiming chen, and wensheng lu. discussion of ‘seismic damage detection of a full-scale shaking table test structure’. journal of structural engineering, 2012, 138(11): 1416-1417. jcr-2, if = 2.27.


  1. 李智,丁然, 聂鑫, 李宾宾,黄宝锋,monti giorgio, 肖岩. 标准化立式工业建筑楼面活荷载取值[j/ol]. 建筑结构学报:1-11. [2022-04-04].https://doi.org/10.14006/j.jzjgxb.2021.0374.

  2. 黄宝锋, 肖岩.轻质高强混凝土大直径霍普金森杆冲击试验研究.土木工程学报, 2021, 54(2): 1-13.

  3. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 卢文胜, 张棋飞. 基于历史地震记录的楼面加速度放大系数研究. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53(8): 16-27.

  4. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 卢文胜. 浮放花瓶动力反应机理与振动台试验研究.工程力学, 2020, 37(8): 112-122.

  5. 黄宝锋, 吴鹏, 卢文胜.半透明混凝土板幕墙能耗分析.建筑材料学报, 2020, 23(6): 1493-1500.

  6. 黄宝锋, 卢文胜. 持续强震下rc框架结构振动台试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 2017, 38(9): 84-93.

  7. 黄宝锋, 卢文胜, 曹文清. 建筑幕墙抗震性能指标探讨. 土木工程学报, 2009, 42(9): 7-12.

  8. 黄宝锋, 卢文胜 等. 地震模拟振动台阵系统试验方法初探. 土木工程学报, 2008, 41(3): 46-52.


  1. 黄宝锋, 符帅, 卢文胜, 杨放. 花岗石幕墙销钉式节点承载力性能试验研究.防灾减灾工程学报, 2021, 41(6): 1254-1263.

  2. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋, 曹文清. 大跨幕墙抗震性能分析方法探讨. 结构工程师, 2014, 30(2): 97-103.

  3. 李世成,卢文胜,黄宝锋.某高层建筑吊挂式玻璃幕墙地震作用分析与验证.结构工程师, 2013, 29(1): 69-75.

  4. 曹丽娜,卢文胜,黄宝锋,曹文清.某高层建筑玻璃幕墙地震作用探讨.结构工程师, 2010, 26(6): 142-148.

  5. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋, 曹文清. 背栓式微晶玻璃幕墙振动台试验研究. 建筑结构, 2010, 40(1): 59-61.

  6. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋. 结构抗震试验教学探索与实践. 实验室研究与探索, 2009, 28(3): 217-219.

  7. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋. 建筑幕墙振动台试验方法研究. 防灾减灾工程学报, 2008, 28(4):447-453.

  8. 黄宝锋, 卢文胜. 既有建筑幕墙的安全评价方法初探. 结构工程师, 2006, 22(3): 76-79.


  1. 沈帆, 黄宝锋, 卢文胜, 张国军. 重物填充对浮放文物地震反应影响分析. 第十一届全国地震工程会议, 2023.4, 西安.

  2. 黄宝锋,张翔飞, 郭玉荣, 肖岩. 大型多功能三维结构加载系统(3d-must)研发与试验验证.第七届“土木工程结构试验与检测技术暨结构实验教学”研讨会, 2023.5.19-21, 南京.特邀报告.

  3. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), mengcheng, and wensheng lu. shaking table tests of a braced outdoor aircon unit. fifth international workshop on the seismic performance of non-structural elements (sponse). dec. 5-7, 2022, standford, usa.

  4. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and wensheng lu. experimental investigation of energy efficient translucent concrete panel for building envelope. fibsymposium 2020, shanghai, 2020.

  5.  qihao pan, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), selim günay, and wensheng lu. dynamic effect of nonstructural equipment and mass ratio on the main structure. proc. 17th world conference on earthquake engineering, 17wcee sendai, japan - september 13th to 18th 2020 paper no. c003108.

  6. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), selim günay, and wensheng lu. floor acceleration amplification analysis of instrumented building structures. proc. 17th world conference on earthquake engineering, 17wcee sendai, japan - september 13th to 18th 2020 paper no. c001046

  7. baofeng huang(黄宝锋), khalid mosalam. performance-based earthquake engineering methodology for nuclear cable tray system. transactions, smirt-25 charlotte, nc, usa, august 4-9, 2019 division v.

  8.  baofeng huang(黄宝锋), xia hua, günay selim, wensheng lu. shaking table tests of freestanding ceramic vase. 4th international workshop on the seismic performance of non-structural elements (sponse), may 22-23, 2019, pavia, italy, pp. 329-340.

  9. 肖岩, 黄宝锋, 熊中宏, 周静, 王欣成, 张砚初.现代科技与传统文化的融合:大学生创新能力培养新模式.高等工程教育研究, 2018.

  10. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu, and khalid mosalam. shaking table qualification test of granite cladding with dowel pin anchorage. proc. 11th us national conference on earthquake engineering, paper no. 227, los angeles, california, 2018.

  11. 黄宝锋, 张钊源, 卢文胜.楼面地震动时程拟合初探.纪念汶川地震十周年会议, 2018.5.12, 成都.

  12. 黄宝锋, 卢文胜.销钉式花岗石幕墙抗震性能研究.10届全国地震工程会议, 上海, 2018.8.22.

  13.  khalid m. mosalam, yangling wang, selim günay, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu. evaluation of a curtain wall system using performance-based earthquake engineering. pesdes 2017, international workshop on performance-based seismic design of structures, d. beskos, y. zhou, j. qian, x. lu (eds.) tongji university, shanghai, china, 13-15 october 2017. (invited paper, 特邀报告).

  14. zhou, c, chase, jg, rodgers, gw, huang, b (黄宝锋) and xu, c (2017). effective stiffness identification for structural health monitoring of reinforced concrete buildings using hysteresis loop analysis. eurodyn 2017, rome, italy, september 10-13, 6-pages. in: procedia engineering, vol 199, 2017, pp. 1074-1079, doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.072 (invited paper, 特邀报告).

  15. junru tan, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu, and khalid mosalam. load bearing capacity testing of dowel pin anchorage in granite cladding. proc. 7th international conference on advances in experimental structural engineering, pavia, italy, 2017.9.

  16. xiaoyan wang, wensheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and khalid mosalam. in-plane mechanical model of the roller guide-rail system in elevators. proc. 7th international conference on advances in experimental structural engineering, pavia, italy, 2017.9.

  17. khalid mosalam, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and singping chiew. anidolic day-light concentrator in structural building envelope, ace2013, singapore, 2013.

  18. khalid mosalam, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and singping chiew. daylight concentrator of structural translucent concrete envelope, invited paper, sinberbest annual meeting, singapore, 2013.

  19. wensheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), lina cao, xin zhao, and xilin lu. floor response based earthquake action mechanism and seismic demand of curtain wall system of shanghai tower. iabse-2011, london, 2011.9.

  20. wengsheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and shiming chen. analysis and experimental approaches on seismic performance of architectural curtain walls. joint conference proceedings of 7th international conference on urban engineering (7cuee) and 5th international conference on earthquake engineering (5icee), 2010.3, tokyo. pp. 1299-1306.

  21. wensheng lu, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), and wenqing cao. seismic performance analysis methodology of long-span architectural curtain walls. 7th international conference on tall buildings, hongkong, 2009.11, pp. 399-408.

  22. 黄宝锋, 卢文胜. 非结构构件地震破坏机理及抗震性能分析. 18届全国结构工程学术会议, 工程力学, 200911, 广州. pp. 77-83.

  23. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋, 黄连金. 非结构构件抗震性能分析. 纪念汶川地震一周年地震工程与减轻地震灾害研讨会论文集, 20095, 成都. pp. 265-269.

  24.  lu wensheng, huang baofeng (黄宝锋). discussion on seismic performance indices of architectural curtain walls. 14wcee, 2008, paper id: 12-01-0193.

  25. huang baofeng (黄宝锋), lu wensheng. fuzzy estimation method on the safety performance of existing curtain walls. 14wcee, 2008, paper id: s11-050.

  26. baofeng huang (黄宝锋), wensheng lu, and wenqing cao. model experimental methodology utilizing multi earthquake simulation shake table system. 2aese, 2007, pp. 734-741.


  1. floor seismic demand and shaking table test methodology of the curtain wall system on tall buildings, peer report, department of civil & environmental engineering, university of california, berkeley. under review.

  2. construction of scaled translucent concrete panels (technical report), department of civil & environmental engineering, university of california, berkeley. no. berkeley/semm-[2015/04].

  3. opticalcrete, department of civil & environmental engineering, university of california, berkeley, 2012

  4. 某超高层建筑楼面频谱分析报告, 2012.2.

  5. 某超高层建筑外层幕墙抗震性能研究研究报告, 2012.3.

  6. 某超高层建筑内层幕墙抗震性能研究研究报告, 2012.3.

  7. 建筑幕墙抗震机理与评价指标, 2010.9.

  8. 非结构构件抗震性能分析及频谱表达, 2010.9.

  9. 建筑幕墙安全分析与评价方法, 2010.9.

  10. 建筑幕墙模拟地震振动台试验, 2010.9.

  11. 建筑幕墙低周反复加载试验, 2010.9.

  12. 某超高层建筑幕墙抗震性能研究应用, 2010.9.

  13. 世博台北馆升降平台结构模拟承载试验和分析报告, 2010.5.

  14. 世博中国馆结构安全短期监测报告, 2010.4.

  15. rcf12-2框架振动台试验研究报告, 2009.7.

  16. rcf12-1框架振动台试验研究报告, 2009.7.

  • 科研与教学奖励

  1. baofeng huang (黄宝锋). cogent engineering best paper 2020, may 7, 2021.

  2. 黄宝锋. 2019年度优秀审稿专家.《建筑结构学报》杂志社, 2020.1.

  3. 黄宝锋. 第五届全国大学生混凝土材料设计大赛: 优秀指导教师奖. 哈尔滨工业大学, 2018.7.22.

  4. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋5)等. 同济大学教学成果一等奖, 《结构防灾实验, 同济大学, 2014.

  5. 黄宝锋. 国家奖学金, 教育部, 2012.

  6. 黄宝锋. 同济大学优秀研究生, 同济大学, 2011.

  7. 黄宝锋. 国家基金委(csc)奖学金, 国家公派留学基金委, 2011.

  8. 黄宝锋. 李国豪奖励金, 同济大学, 2010.

  9. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋. 结构抗震试验教学探索与实践, 获全国高等学校实验室工作研究会第十次学术研讨会优秀论文, 2009.4.1, 厦门.

  • 获专利情况

  1.  khalid mosalam, baofeng huang (黄宝锋), et al. building with radiant and insulated green harvesting technology. no. 130996-392230.

  2. 卢文胜, 刘栋, 李世成, 黄宝锋. 建筑幕墙多维多模式地震动试验装置, 发明专利: 201210325946.6, 中国, 2012.

  3. 卢文胜, 刘栋, 李世成, 黄宝锋. 建筑幕墙多维多模式地震动试验装置, 实用新型: 201220450585.3, 中国, 2012.

  4. 卢文胜, 黄宝锋. 高精度液压式反复加载试验装置, 发明专利: 201010602887.3, 中国, 2010.

  5. 黄宝锋, 严军, 阚子栋, 李浩然, 李琛, 王康, 徐昊鹏, 韩晶, 吴鹏, 居少捷, 刁静武. 一种半透明混凝土船, 发明专利: 201811250523.6, 中国, 2018.(已受理)

  6. 黄宝锋, 哈雷德莫萨拉姆, 卢文胜, 韩晶, 严军. 一种能效半透明混凝土板, 发明专利: 201810383089.2, 中国, 2018.(已受理)

  7. 黄宝锋, 严军, 章子民, 韩晶, 阚子栋, 李浩然, 李琛, 王康, 徐昊鹏. 一种半透明混凝土船快速成型方法, 发明专利: 201811254090.1, 中国, 2018.(已受理)

  8. 黄宝锋, 韩晶, 卢文胜, 哈雷德莫萨拉姆, 严军. 一种半透明混凝土板快速成型方法, 发明专利: zl 2018 1 0573165.6, 中国, 2020.8.14.

  9. 黄宝锋, 哈雷德·莫萨拉姆, 严军, 韩晶. 一种光伏半透明混凝土板, 发明专利: 201810890831.9, 中国, 2018.(已受理)

  10. 黄宝锋, 严军, 阚子栋, 李浩然, 李琛, 王康, 徐昊鹏, 韩晶, 吴鹏, 居少捷, 刁静武. 一种半透明混凝土船, 实用新型: 201821736733.1, 中国.(已授权)

  11. 黄宝锋, 哈雷德莫萨拉姆, 卢文胜, 韩晶, 严军. 一种能效半透明混凝土板, 实用新型: zl 201820605041.7, 中国, 2018.11.30.(已授权)

  12. 黄宝锋, 严军, 章子民, 韩晶, 单立.一种霍普金森杆试验用多功能试件支撑装置, 发明专利: 201910207013.9, 中国, 2019.(已受理)

  13. 黄宝锋, 符帅, 韩晶. 一种可更换、耗能型幕墙抗震连接件, 实用新型: zl 201821799548.7, 中国, 2019.7.12.(已授权)

  14. 黄宝锋, 马小峰, 符帅, 韩晶.一种锚固件现场承载力测试装置, 发明专利: 201921160268.6, 中国, 2019.(已受理)

  15. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 韩晶. 一种浮放物品抗震支撑装置, 发明专利: 201910806991.5, 中国, 2019.(已受理)

  16. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 韩晶. 一种浮放物品抗震支撑装置, 实用新型:zl 201921419432.0, 中国, 2020.6.26.(已受权)

  17. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 韩晶. 一种减小浮放物品底部摩擦系数的减震装置, 发明专利: 201910821838.x, 中国, 2019.(已受理)

  18. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 韩晶. 一种减小浮放物品底部摩擦系数的减震装置, 实用新型: zl 201921441194.3, 中国, 2020.3.20.(已受权)

  19. 黄宝锋, 华夏, 韩晶. 一种通过改变重心位置提高浮放物品抗倾覆能力的方法, 发明专利: 201910806747.9, 中国, 2019.(已受理)

  20. 黄宝锋,章子民,韩晶.一种多功能筋材锚固承载力试验用夹具.实用新型: zl 2021 2 0004008.0,中国, 2021.9.10.

  21. 黄宝锋,肖云杰,韩晶.一种功能拉拔夹具装置.实用新型: zl 2021 2 0077931.7, 中国, 2021.9.24.

  22. 黄宝锋,许一贤,张翔飞,张国军,梁本亮,张雅茹.一种新型多功能拉压试验用锚固装置. 发明专利: zl 202210976504.1, 中国, 2022.8.16.

  23. 黄宝锋, 许一贤, 张翔飞, 张国军, 梁本亮, 张雅茹, 季欣宁,易成程, 肖秋瑾.一种新型多功能拉压试验用锚固装置.实用新型: zl 2022 2 2141004.4, 中国, 2023.5.2.

  24. 黄宝锋,沈帆,梁本亮,张国军,汤成连.一种新型竖向隔震装置.发明专利: zl 202210987407.2, 中国, 2022.8.17.

  25. 黄宝锋,沈帆,梁本亮,张国军,汤成连.一种新型竖向隔震装置.实用新型: zl 202222176540.8, 中国, 2023.2.10.

  26. 黄宝锋,管西强,张益,朱家鹏,韩杨杨,汤成连.一种建筑裂缝智能识别和检测方法及装置.发明专利, zl 2022104276091, 2022,04,25.

  • 招生专业(包括专业学位)

硕士研究生:结构工程, 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 建筑与土木工程(专业学位)。
